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Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Basic electrical questions and answers (Part 3)

101. Wave winding is composed of
(a)  any even number of conductors
(b)  any odd number of conductors
(c)   that even number which is exact multiple of poles + 2
(d)  that even number which is exact multiple of poles
Ans: c
102. The critical resistance of the D.C. generator is the resistance of
(a)  field
(b)  brushes
(c)   armature
(d)  loadAns: a
103. When two D.C. series generators are running in parallel, an equilizer bar is used (a) to increase the speed and hence generated e.m.f.
(b)  to increase the series flux
(c)   so that two similar machines will pass approximately equal currents to the load 
(d) to reduce the combined effect of ar-mature reaction of both machines 
Ans: c

104. Which of the following generating machine will offer constant voltage on all loads ?
(a) Self-excited generator (b) Separately excited generator
(c)   Level compounded generator .
(d)  All of the above
Ans: c
105. Which of the following generators will be preferred if they are required to be run in parallel ?
(a)  Shunt generators
(b)  Series generators
(c)   Compound generators
(d)  None of the above
Ans: a
106. Two generators are running in parallel. One of the generators may run as motor for which of the following reasons ?
(a)  The direction of that generator is reversed
(b)  The speed of that generator is increased
(c)   The field of that generator is weakened
(d)  That generator takes large share of loads
Ans: d
107. A D.C. generator works on the principle of
(a)          Lenz's law
(b)         Ohm's law
(c)          Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
(d)         none of the above
Ans: c
108. A series generator can self-excite
(a)  only if the load current is zero
(b)  only if the load current is not zero
(c)   irrespective of the value of load current
(d)  none of the above
Ans: b
109. A shunt generator can self-excite
(a)  only if the resistance of the field circuit is less than critical value
(b)only if the resistance of the field circuit is greater than critical value
(c) irrespective of the value of the resis-tance in the field circuit 
Ans: a
110. The terminal voltage of a series generator is 150 V when the load current is 5 A. If the load current is increased to 10 A, the terminal voltage will be
(a)  150 V
(b)  less than 150 V
(c)   greater than 150 V
(d)  none of the above
Ans: c
111. The open circuit voltage of a compound generator is 250 V. At full load the terminal voltage
(a)  will be less than 250 V
(b)  will always be 250 V
(c)   may be greater or less than 250 V
(d)  none of the above
Ans: c
112. Two D.C. shunt generators, each with armature resistance of 0.02 ohm and field resistance of 50 ohm run in parallel and supply a total current of 1000 amperes to the load circuit. If their e.m.fs. are 270 V and 265 V, their bus bar voltage will be
(a)  270 V
(b)  267.5 V
(c)   265 V
(d)  257.4 V
Ans: b
113. The essential condition for parallel operation of two D.C. generators is that they have
(a)          same kW rating
(b)         the same operation r.p.m.
(c)          the same drooping voltage charac-teristics
(d)         same percentage regulation
Ans: c
114. When two D.C. generators are running in parallel an equilizer bar is used (a) to increase the series flux
(b)  to increase the generated e.m.f.
(c)   to reduce the combined effect of ar-mature reaction of both the machines
(d)  so that the two identical machines will pass approximately equal currents to the loadAns: d
115. With a D.C. generator which of the following regulation is preferred ?
(a)100% regulation
(b)          infinite regulation
(c)         50% regulation
(d)          1% regulation
Ans: d
116. Which generator would you prefer for feeding long D.C. transmission lines ?
(a)  Series generator
(b)  Shunt generator
(c)   Over compound generator
(d)  Flat compound generator
Ans: c
117. In a D.C. generator the critical resistance can be increased by
(a)  increasing its field resistance
(b)  decreasing its field resistance
(c)   increasing its speed
(d)  decreasing its speed
Ans: c
118. The number of armature parallel paths in a two-pole D.C. generator having duplex lap winding is
(a)  2
(b)  4
(c)   6
(d)  8
Ans: b
119. For both lap and wave windings, there are as many commutator bars as the number of
(a)  slots
(b)  armature conductors
(c)   winding elements
(d)  poles
Ans: c
120. The series field of a short-shunt D.C. generator is excited by
(a)  external current
(b)  armature current
(c)   shunt current
(d)  load currentAns: d
121. As a result of armature reaction, the reduction in the total mutual air gap flux in a D.C.
generator is approximately
(a) 40 percent
(a)  25 percent
(b)  10 percent
(c)   5 percent
Ans: d
122. Shunt generators are most suited for stable parallel operation because of their
(a)          rising voltage characteristics
(b)         identical voltage characteristics
(c)          drooping voltage characteristics
(d)         linear voltage characteristics
Ans: c
123. The main factor which leads to unstable parallel operation of flat and over compounded generators is
(a)  their rising voltage characteristics
(b)  unequal number of turns in their series field windings
(c)   unequal speed regulation of their primemovers
(d)  unequal series field resistances
Ans: a
124. If a self excited D.C. generator after being installed, fails to build up on its first trial run, the first thing to do is to (a) reverse the field connections
(b)  increase the field resistance
(c)   increase the speed of primemover
(d)  check armature insulation resistance
Ans: a

Basic electrical questions and answers (Part 3)
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