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Monday, 27 November 2017

Electrical Engineering practice questions : DC Generatos (Part 2)

For part 1 click here:

Some questions and answers about DC Generators

Part 2==>>

79. The following constitute short-circuit in the armature winding.
(a) Insulation failure between two com-mutator bars
(6) Insulation failure between two turns of a coil
(c)   Two of more turns of the same coil getting grounded
(d)  All of the above
Ans: d
80. The rapid wear of brushes takes place due to
(a)  abrasion from dust
(b)  excessive spring pressure
(c)   rough commutator bars
(d)  high mica insulation between com-mutation bars
(e)  all of the above factors
Ans: e
81. Number of tappings for each equilizer ring is equal to
(a)  number of pole pairs
(b)  number of poles
(c)   number of parallel paths
(d)  number of commutator segments
Ans: a
82. A D.C. generator can be considered as
(a)          rectifier
(b)         primemover
(c)          rotating amplifier
(d)         power pumpAns: c
83. In any rotating machine that part which houses the conductors and in which e.m.f.
induced is to be utilised is called
(a)  rotor
(b)  stator
(c)   field
(d)  armature
Ans: d
84. In a D.C. machine stray loss is the sum of
(a)  total copper loss and mechanical loss
(b)  armature copper loss and iron loss
(c)   shunt field copper loss and mechanical loss
iron loss and mechanical loss
Ans: d

85. Lap winding is composed of
(a)  any even number of conductors
(b)  any odd number of conductors
(c)   that even number which is exact multiple of poles + 2
(d)  that even number which is exact multiple of poles
Ans: a
86. In a D.C. generator in case the resistance of the field winding is increased, then output voltage will (a) increase
(b)  decrease
(c)   remain unaffected
(d)  fluctuate heavily
Ans: b
87. An exciter for a turbo generator is a
(a)  separately excited generator
(b) shunt generator
(c) series generator
(d) compound generator
Ans: b
88. In case of a flat compounded generator
(a)  voltage generated is less than the rated voltage
(b)  generated voltage is proportional to the load on the generator
(c)   voltage remains constant irrespec¬tive of the load
(d)  speed varies in proportion to the load on the generator 
Ans: c
89. Which of the following generator will have negligible terminal voltage while running on no-load ?
(a)  Series generator
(b)  Shunt generator
(c)   Compound generator
(d)  Separately excited generator
Ans: a
90. Which of the following D.C. generators will be in a position to build up without any residual magnetism in the poles ?
(a)  Series generator
(b)  Shunt generator
(c)   Compound generator
(d)  None of the above
Ans: d

91. In over compounded generator, full load terminal voltage is
(a)  almost zero
(b)  less than noload terminal voltage
(c)   more than noload terminal voltage
(d)  equal to no-load terminal voltage 
Ans: c
92. In a level compounded D.C. generator, full load terminal voltage is
(a)         negligibly low
(b)         equal to no-load terminal voltage
(c)          more than no-load terminal voltage
(d)         less than no-load terminal voltage 
Ans: b
93. The terminal voltage of a D.C. shunt generator drops on load because of all of the following reasons except (a) armature reaction
(b)  armature resistance drop
(c)   field weakening due to armature reaction and armature
(d)  commutation
Ans: d
94. In a D.C. generator
(a)  external resistance = internal char-acteristic - armature reaction
(b)  internal characteristic = magnetisation characteristic - ohmic drop
(c)   external characteristic = magnetisation characteristic - ohmic drop - armature reaction 
(d) magnetisation characteristic = external characteristic 
Ans: c

95. A sinusoidal voltage of 5 Hz is applied to the field of a shunt generator. The armature voltage wave
(a)  will be zero
(b)  will be of 5 Hz
(c)   willbeof5xiVHz
(d)  will be of v Hz 5
Ans: b
96. A 220 V D.C. generator is run at full speed without any excitation. The open circuit voltage will be 
(a) zero
(b)  about 2 V
(c)   about 50 V
(d)  220 V
Ans: b
97. In a separately excited generator supplying rated load the armature reaction ,
(a)  is always present
(b)  is always absent
(c)may be sometimes present

(d)  none of the above
Ans: a
98. If residual magnetism is present in a D.C. generator, the induced e.m.f. at zero speed will
(a)  zero
(b)  small
(c)   the same as rated voltage
(d)  high
Ans: a
99. Armature reaction in a generator results in
(a)  demagnetisation of leading pole tip and magnetisation of trailing pole tip
(b)  demagnetisation of trailing pole tip and magnetisation of leading pole tip
(c)   damagnetising the centre of all poles
(d)  magnetising the centre of all poles
Ans: a
100. Following energized winding of a D.C. machine should not be opened as it would produce high inductive voltage which may be dangerous to personnel and may cause its own insulation failure. 
(a) Series field
(b)  Compensating field
(c)   Inter pole field
(d)  Shunt field
Ans: d



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